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Boys Travel Teams


Fusion's goal is to combine talented, hard-working lacrosse players to create a competitive environment that will take your child's game to the next level! Our staff is made up of professional, paid coaches who are invested in your child's career goals.

Fusion West Lacrosse is pleased to announce that an anonymous sponsor has come forward to help Fusion West Lacrosse travel team players achieve their lacrosse pursuits through a Player Grant Sponsorship!

Players who are offered a roster spot on a Fusion West Lacrosse Boys or Girls Spring/Summer Travel Team have the opportunity to apply for financial assistance to aid with the season's travel team registration costs and/or tournament travel expenses on behalf of our highly valued anonymous sponsor.

Grant Application Guidelines:

- Applications must be received from a registered 2025 Spring/Summer Fusion West Lacrosse tryout participant.
- Only rostered Fusion West Lacrosse Spring/Summer travel team players will be considered for the grant.
Application deadline is noon on Tuesday, March 25, 2025.
- One application per player.
- Applications must be complete and include all required information.

travel teams